Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tippy DeGraw - girl Mowgli (photos + video)

Tippy DeGraw - girl Mowgli (photos + video)

Tippy DeGraw (Tippi Degré) was born in Africa in a family of French wildlife photographer and spent her childhood is extremely unusual. The girl grew up in the African desert, setting an unusually close relationship with many wild animals, including 28-year-old African elephant named Abu, leopard J & B, young lion, giraffe, ostrich, mongoose, cheetah, colt zebras, crocodiles, giant frogs and even a snake. Africa has been her home for many years, allowing Tippy friends with predatory animals, and native tribes of Namibia. Even as a little girl, a young French woman said: "I have no friends here. Because I never see the children. My friends - the animals. 

Allen's parents, Robert and Sylvia DeGraw depicting life Tippy and her interaction with wildlife in exciting books and films. "Tippi of Africa", published in 1998, and made ​​a pretty little girl known about the life of Tippy and her parents and her warm relationship with wild animals. Looking back, we can say that, despite the obvious and totally justifiable concerns parents, Tippy had an awesome childhood. Not many of us can boast that they have lived an adventure in his spare time riding riding an ostrich, or that our best childhood friend was an African elephant - one of the largest animals on earth! Below you can see photos and video Tippi with animals, as well as a trailer for the documentary film "The bridge across the chasm to Africa."

Even after moving to Paris for a while Tippy returned to Africa to make six documentaries for the famous channel Discovery. Now Tippi DeGraw student Sorbonne University in Paris. She learns the art of cinema.

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